Monday, July 28, 2008


Our Ex-Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad who started his own blog few months ago.

His blog are mainly about politics, UMNO, issue about the country & etc...

At first I was wondering why CHEDET.COM ? There's no any other name he can put ? What's the chedet name means? I try to search the internet but I couldnt find.

Until yesterday I went to national library (haha hard to believe yeah), I found a book about Tun. So I flip thru and you know what i found ?

Ahh... Finally I found the answer

Chedet means Lambang Kasih Sayang dari Keluarga


Anonymous said...

yo yo!!! excellent, u discovered what is chedet wor many ppl out there still dont know including me.

see what does it prove? determination n hardwork pay lo

n u r ONE-DER-FUL lo...

clap clap clap.....

JFK said...
